
Prayer Request, Updates, and Praises

*Shelly Y.

Personal, The Lord knows the situation

*Larry & Cassie C.

Health and Heart issues, Just got out of the hospital. Please pray for speedy recovery!

-NEW UPDATE: Larry had a pacemaker put in on July 15th Please continue prayers for fast healing (Updated July 21st, 2024)

*Adam W. Family

The Lord Knows.

*Carol R.

Carol's Husband has passed away. Please pray for Carol and Family as they deal with these tough times.

*Candy C.

Candy was diagnosed with Cancer. Please pray for better health and speedy recovery

*Tony M. & Family

Tony had a stroke in February, having some swallowing issues, and is still very weak. Needs a J-Tube for feeding so he can gain weight and strength so he can continue rehab. Keep him and his wife Cindy in prayers.

-Tony went into surgery April 24, 2024 around 4:00 PM. He is out of surgery now and is in recovery. Please continue prayers for a full recovery, and for the medical staff and his family as well. Thank You, and God bless.

-UPDATE: Tony had a real good day yesterday, still in some pain. His wife Cindy is visiting today, and his son said he is talking a bit clearer now. Thank You for your continued prayers. (Updated: April 26th, 2024)

-UPDATE: Tony is doing well ,he has been moved to a rehabilitation center for physical therapy. (Updated: May 5th, 2024)

-NEW UPDATE: Tony had pneumonia. The doctors treated his pneumonia and got his sodium levels back to normal, His family is trying to find a better facility for Tony to reside. He is in rehab facility in Bloomington, he has been there for a few days. Tony is doing very well in therapy. Thank you for your prayers for a fast recovery for Tony M. (Updated: July 21st, 2024)

*Christopher H.

Please pray for Recovery From Addiction and Medical issues.

*Zed R.

School Issues, Please Pray for guidance.

*Heather E.

Family Issues, The Lord knows.

*Mrs. Helen W.

Mrs. Helen has been having some heart and lung issues. Please pray for better health.

-NEW UPDATE: She continues to have fluid in her lungs. Please pray for better health

*Nolan P.

Nolan has been having tough times in school, please pray his parents and doctors can help him find a solution with his illness.

*Matt N.

Fighting Addiction, Please pray for guidance

*Margaret H.

Margaret has been dealing with Back issues and Alpha One. Please pray for better health

-NEW UPDATE: Margaret was in the hospital, she is now home. She had blood pressure and health issues, doctor was unable to find the cause. Pray for better health and a new good doctor.

*Louise E.

Please pray for good health

*Pastor Joe Wayne

Pastor Joe Wayne has been doing Dialysis. Please Pray for continued good health.

*Paul C.

Paul has been having back issues, please pray for better health. Also, has been having personal issues. 

Continued prayers for recovery from back surgery.

*Danny B.

Danny has been diagnosed with meniere's disease. Please Pray for better health


To let the Lord lead and guide him.


To come to know the Lord

*Jerry P.

Jerry has been diagnosed with skin cancer, Since then he has had it removed. Please Pray for better health and speedy recovery.

-NEW UPDATE: Jerry is doing great, he is back to work!

*Bart J.

Bart has been diagnosed with bladder cancer, May 13th he will be having surgery to remove the cancer. Please keep him in your prayers as he prepares for surgery on that date, and for a full recovery.


*Austen P.

Please pray for guidance and a calm mind, to let go and let God.

*Adriana C.

Adriana is going to Tar Hollow in Ohio for a week, please pray for safe travels and a fun trip.

Remember to be kind to all you meet, you cannot always know whose heart is breaking!